唯有 Jaguar 原廠行車紀錄器,才能與車艙設計和電力系統完美整合,頂尖的前後攝影科技* 提供高畫質的影像記錄,無論是獨自駕駛或載著乘客,加倍提升駕馭安全。
*Jaguar 行車紀錄器前後攝影機可錄製全高清 (1920 x 1080) 影像,每個鏡頭的視角均為 150° 。前置攝影機幀率為 60 fps,後置攝影機幀率為 30 fps。運作溫度範圍由 -40°C 至 +85°C。

The original driving recorder includes a front and rear camera system, which contains a 32GB SD memory card to store images. When an accident or emergency braking occurs, the camera function will be automatically turned on.


原廠行車紀錄器包括前後攝影系統,內含 32GB SD 記憶卡儲存影像,當發生事故或緊急煞車時會主動開啟攝影功能,也有手動選項,讓您可隨心記錄您的駕馭冒險,以便留存或分享。

Whether it is parking or driving, when the built-in radar G-sensors are triggered, the original driving recorder will automatically start the recording function. In addition, the detachable front wide-angle lens, and the fixed rear with adjustable and viewing angle Lens, both of which can be flexibly adjusted with the vehicle environment.


無論是停車狀態或是行進中,當內建雷達 G-sensors 被觸發時,原廠行車紀錄器即會自動開啟錄製功能,此外,可拆卸式的前廣角鏡頭,與可調整及視角的固定式後鏡頭,兩者皆可隨車輛環境彈性調整。最重要的是,所有鏡頭都是以單一插座直連汽車電源,具有低功耗、可長時間使用的優勢。

The GPS sensor can link the speed and location data of the car to a video file to fully record the traffic journey. In addition, Jaguar owners can download the Jaguar Dash Cam app from the Apple App Store or Android Google Play to remotely control the driving recorder.


GPS 感應器可將車行速度和位置資料連結到影片檔,完整記錄交通旅程,此外,Jaguar 車主還可從 Apple App Store 或 Android Google Play 下載 Jaguar Dash Cam app,遠端操控行車記錄器。


Jaguar 行車紀錄器適用於以下車款:
• Jaguar XE
• Jaguar XF
• Jaguar E-PACE
• Jaguar F-PACE

建議售價:23,386 TWD

如需更多資訊,請連絡您的 Jaguar 經銷商。